Jack Kirby's OMAC presents his final project to the class... Nice work, OMAC!
1. Elevator pitch. Write a description of your final proposal. Condense it down to a one-paragraph and one-sentence summary. Make sure you have a working title.
2. Art direction. Write a description of the look and feel you are going for. Take into account your current skillz as well as your future aims and objectives. Adjust your style to suit your interests and abilities. If you're serious about developing your naturalistic painting chops, go for it. If you're not... don't. Develop a design approach that doesn't make you look like an idiot!
3. Visual research. Yes, what kind of work are you looking at/stealing from? Remember don't just "steal" from one source, or one kind of work. Think mash-up.
4. Products of Study. What are you going to make? Be specific. Include prelim work as well as final work.
Final project critique is Monday, March 17 at 3:30